Our Signature Nutrition Program is for those who are ready for guaranteed weight loss using a proven method (macros) and want to feel in control of their eating once and for all. This is a self-paced program delivered over 6 weeks!

BONUS, Enroll NOW and you’ll also gain FREE access to my How To Meal Plan Master Class!

Lose weight and fit back into your favorite clothes again

I talk to women every day who struggle with buttoning up their jeans and feeling comfortable in their clothes. They are embarrassed to admit how many diets they have failed at and how much excess weight they added each time. Even worse, they fantasize about repeating that last “restrictive diet” where they were miserable but actually lost weight (ya know the one I’m talking about -we ALL did it!)


I felt obligated to create FMA (Functional Macros Academy) because I KNOW there is an easier way to lose weight without all the food obsession, self-hate, and CRAVINGS. Yes, cravings are real, and as hard as you try you won’t win a battle against that cookie! FMA is the ultimate solution for weight loss because we use macro counting to eat MORE food while losing weight (yup, I said MORE food…!) 


What most people miss is that by being “good” and depriving yourself of food all day, actually leads to MORE weight gain over time. And we all know how long being “good” lasts for -maybe a hot minute at best! What fad diets fail to teach us, is HOW to be consistent over “good” and that consistency is best learned and practiced through accountability with a coach and community support.


Other coaches/trainers will just put their clients on a 1200-calorie meal plan to lose weight and then body shame them when they can’t stick to it. And meal plans are the WORST for consistency because they have zero room for flexibility and variety. Plus-what happens after the meal plan? We know at some point you’re gonna wanna eat OFF that meal plan-what then?


This is why I’m super excited to announce that because of the success of FMA, and it’s proven ability to help more than 250 women over the last 2 years, I'm making it available ALL THE TIME!

My Signature Nutrition Program has been transitioned into a self-paced program so that you DON’T have to wait until the next time I run it (which I may never run it live again)! You’ll gain access to the program immediately so that you can start seeing the same results my clients have already achieved.

You will learn a rinse & repeat formula to lose weight and feel confident in the clothes you stored away for when they fit again…No more muffin top…wear your clothes instead of them wearing you!


In just 6 short weeks you’ll walk away with looser-fitting clothes and be on your way to wearing your shorts and bikini again!

BONUS, Enroll NOW and you’ll also gain FREE access to my How To Meal Plan Master Class!


HOw it Works

Macro Calculator

Upon registration, you'll receive FULL details on how to get started, including my very own macro calculator so you can start losing weight immedately.

Weekly Prerecorded Modules

You’ll receive weekly modules delivered right into your inbox so you can listen at your own pace, anywhere, anytime!

Consistency Calendar

Practice consistency with weekly goals so you can achieve weight loss within the first 6 weeks! Stay consistent "this" time around knowing you have sustainable and maintainable goals! All participants will receive a consistency calendar to help log all goals.

Live Support (Additional Fee)

Need LIVE support? Ask our team of coaches questions as you go through FMA and connect with others doing the same by joining FMA Monthly. This private Facebook Group will keep you accountable and deliver LIVE information through mini tutorials and Q&A’s.

BONUS, Enroll NOWand you’ll also gain FREE access to my How To Meal Plan Master Class!

Are you Ready to fit back into your clothes again?

It's worked for others and it WILL work for you as well!


  • A: YES! The good news is you're already "eating" macros (carbs, fats, and proteins) every single day. I'm going to teach you HOW to count the right amount of each macro for YOUR body and goals. We start slow, aiming to hit one macro (protein) at a time. I promise it sounds harder than it exactly is!

  • Absolutely NOT! There are NO supplements or special foods that you need to purchase in order to participate in FMA-just whatever you can find at your local grocery store. A food scale is suggested for accuracy, however, you CAN use measuring cups as well. Rest assured, the price you pay includes EVERYTHING you need to start losing weight.

  • After you join FMA you will receive an email with all of the details including access to my custom macro calculator. Every week you will be emailed a new video tutorial, building on your education from week to week.

  • YES! Whether you have 5 lbs or 50 lbs to lose, FMA will teach you all the tools you need to start losing weight. Of course, you won't lose 50lbs in 6 weeks BUT you'll walk away with a guaranteed rinse & repeat formula that will get you the results you want in the appropriate amount of time.

  • Counting calories is what fad diets do-they give a max budget of 1200-1500 calories BUT they don't tell you where those calories should come from. 1200 calories could come from whole foods OR highly palatable foods such as chips and doughnuts! In macro counting, the focus is on counting the amount of carbs, fats, and protein each day to total an appropriate calorie deficit and achieve weight loss. WHERE those calories come from is the priority and matters most!

  • YES! In FMA you’ll learn "flexible dieting", including how to order takeout and dine out with friends or for special occasions. This is all part of life and is it's super important we learn how to be flexible with our nutrition so we can sustain our results, otherwise-what's the point?!?



  • HELLS NO-You can participate in FMA even if you're on vacation! Just listen to the prerecorded modules while at the beach or with family/friends and use the Facebook Group to ask questions if you can't attend the live sessions. Remember, vacations are part of life so we have to be flexible in our dieting so we can enjoy ourselves while on vacation!

  • In the beginning, yes-BUT think about it like this: weighing your food will teach you appropriate serving sizing which will help you achieve your goals FASTER. I had NO idea what 6oz of chicken breast looked like until I weighed it for the first time. Once you know the initial weight of food, you can "eyeball it" the next time. PS-food scales stay in the kitchen! We don't bring them out :)

  • HARD NO! No one ever leaves me counting! I teach all my clients intuitive macros and eating once they are comfortable and more experienced with counting. But remember-we can't manage what we can't see! We have to LEARN how to count macros first before we can understand how to eat intuitively.

  • HARD NO! Knowledge is POWER! My clients who come to me with food obsession do amazing counting macros. Why? Because I teach them how to become their own macro scientist-not just “counting” but learning to listen to their bodies and adapt accordingly. We can't manage what we can't see! It’s more strategic than just calories and the number on the scale. I will teach you food POWER!

  • Here's a rough breakdown👇🏻

    Week 1: Intro to Macros + Weight Loss 

    Week 2: Deep Dive into Tracking Macros

    Week 3: The Metabolism 

    Week 4: Exercise Specificity

    Week 5: Building YOUR Meals

    Week 6: Intuitive Macros 

BONUS, Enroll NOWand you’ll also gain FREE access to my How To Meal Plan Master Class!

  • I can do this forever-it just makes sense!

    "I had NO idea that part of weight loss included the maintenance phase-why didn't anyone tell me this before?!

    I can do this forever-it just makes sense!"


  • motivational and inspired

    "It was always exciting and uplifting to hear what Elise had to say every week! She’s very motivational and inspired us to trust her and her knowledge of metabolism and macros. It was also exciting and heartwarming to listen the the successes, challenges, and questions from the class. Elise was very compassionate, supportive and so much fun to listen to."


  • I learned that small changes over time can make huge changes overall

    I loved participating in this course with Elise! She has so much knowledge on this subject and had answers to every question asked. She was super supportive of everyone in the group. I learned that small changes over time can make huge changes overall. I would recommend working with Elise! She inspires people to succeed and achieve greater health and wellness! She dives deep into their issues and comes up with a success plan Well done Elise!!!!


  • I never realized how little I was eating

    "I never realized how little I was eating until I met Elise. She changed the way I looked at food and activity. I have more energy than I ever remember having before and feeling comfortable in my bikini was the icing on the cake! (that counted as macros!)"


  • I have a new perspective on my hormones, libido, sleep, and my relationship with food!

    "I’ve learned so much about my body and how it functions. I have a new perspective on my hormones, libido, sleep, and my relationship with food."


  • I only wished I met Elise SOONER!

    "Everyone needs to understand how important consistency is in how to eat properly without deprivation and indulgence. I only wished I met Elise SOONER!"


  • I've lost almost 8lbs!

    "I've lost almost 8 lbs! I had been at such a plateau before (FMA) I really needed to figure out some tweaks to get over the hump. I'm staying consistent and hoping to see the scale continue to go down. "


  • FMA was a great “kick-off” to focusing on macros

    "Elise is knowledgeable, approachable, and inspiring! FMA was a great “kick-off” to focusing on macros"


  • Dial in your nutrition habits and see results

    "Elise is an excellent coach. She shares a ton of actionable tools and content to help you dial in your nutrition habits and see results."


  • “I can visibly see that I look leaner

    “I can visibly see that I look leaner. I redid my measurement from the first time, and am down 6 inches!"


Who is FMA For:

  • Beginner macro learners

  • Those who've tried 3-5 diets in the past to lose weight

  • Those who want to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF FOREVER

  • Those who enjoy learning about the “why’s” behind food

  • Those ready to lose the "all or nothing mentality" (80/20 is macros!)

  • Those ready to make changes and leave diet culture behind for good!

  • Those who know that real, life-long change takes TIME and understand (this is NOT a quick fix!)

Who is FMA NOT For:

  • Those looking for a quick fix 

  • Those who need a lot of hand-holding (1:1 Coaching is ideal for you instead!)

  • Those who want to follow meals plans

  • Those who are not ready to make permanent changes

  • Those in a rush to drop weight for a wedding, vacation or special occasion

BONUS, Enroll NOWand you’ll also gain FREE access to my How To Meal Plan Master Class!

Hi! I’m Elise

Owner & CEO of FuncitonallyFitwithElise

I started this business in the online space in 2020 after working with clients for over 20 years both in and out of the gym. I saw a deep need for a more holistic approach to weight loss and body composition after listening to my clients complain about lack of knowledge and support in perimenopause and menopause.