Functional Macros Academy Online

Our Signature Nutrition Program is for those who are ready for guaranteed weight loss using a proven method (macros) and want to feel in control of their eating once and for all.

This is a self-paced program delivered over 6 weeks!

How to meal Plan

Learn how to create your own 7-day meal plan with balanced carbs, fats & proteins (macros) so you can start losing weight with the foods YOU love.

60-Minute On-Demand Masterclass, Only $49

Includes a worksheet so you can build your customized 7-day meal plan during the class!

Mastering Your Hormones on-Demand Masterclass


  • What the main hormones are and how they are affected in perimenopause & menopause

  • How hormones change throughout perimenopause into menopause.

  • I’ll help you finally understand so that you can take action!

How to Holiday (Vacation)

Learn how to enjoy the holidays or your vacation WITHOUT the guilt, restriction, and self-sabotaging your goals.

60 Minute On-Demand Masterclass, Only $49