HOW TO HOliday (vacation)

On-Demand Masterclass

Learn how to ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS or your VACTION WITHOUT the guilt, restriction and self-sabotaging your goals.

“But it's the HOLIDAYS!”

I hear this pretty much on the repeat during the holiday season AND likewise when my clients are on vacation. "But it's the holidays!" AND I GET IT! It's the "one time of the year" that you get to " (insert your favorite food or behavior)". You want to enjoy your time off work, time with family and friends and you want to enjoy it without having to THINK about food, let alone tracking or logging what you're eating.

I knew I had to create the How to Holiday Masterclass so I can teach EVERYONE that you can in fact have it both ways! You can absolutely enjoy your well-earned time off or holiday/vacation but without any of the shame or guilt that follows. You know that feeling "omg I ate so much I can't believe I'm back to where I started!"-we have ALL been there. And if you're in the middle of some pretty serious goals, be it fitness, weight loss, or maintenance, then you DESERVE to learn how to stop thinking you need to be perfect all the time. Because what you do MOST of the time matters more than what you do SOME of the time.

The How to Holiday Masterclass will give you a tried and true method of staying on track to your goals without counting macros, logging food and self-sabotage.

"Because what you do MOST of the time, matters more than what you do SOME of the time."

This is why I’m super pumped to share with you all my strategies and tools for enjoying your holiday including my 3P's (Plan, Prepare, Pause) to success!

Join me for this 60-minute on-demand Masterclass on HOW TO Holiday & Vacation.

  • The 3 P's to maintain success through your holiday/vacation  

  •  A clear understanding of how to navigate through situations eating and saying "no" to foods you don't actually want!

  • Feeling in control of your food behaviors

  • Less Guilt

  • Reduced Shame

  • Learning how to STOP self-sabotaging

  • FULL control of knowing exactly what to eat while on holiday/vacation!

What You'll Walk Away With


Hi! I’m Elise

Owner & CEO of FuncitonallyFitwithElise

I started this business in the online space in 2020 after working with clients for over 20 years both in and out of the gym. I saw a deep need for a more holistic approach to weight loss and body composition after listening to my clients complain about lack of knowledge and support in perimenopause and menopause.