
For the hormonal woman who wants to get SHREDDED

An 8-week fitness challenge designed to get you STRONGER, LEANER, and SHREDDED while in perimenopause or menopause with a proven strategy designed to actually make you look like you work out.

This Program is for:

  • Hormonal women who can’t seem to “show” their hard work in the gym

  • Women over the age of 40 looking to lose 10lbs or LESS

  • Women who are NOT afraid to build muscle

  • Women who are willing to step OFF the Pelaton for 8 weeks and follow a tried and tested strategy

This Program is NOT for:

  • Anyone looking for a quick fix

  • Women who want more cardio for weight loss

  • Women who have 20+lbs to lose and want weight loss only 

  • Women who are scared to bulk up (oh how we wish it was that easy!)

We Start Monday, September 16, 2024. sign up now, you’re not going to want to miss this challenge!

I talk to hormonal women DAILY who tell me they are confused AF with all the information out there.

“Eat this, don’t eat that”, “Do this, don’t do that”- it’s no wonder you feel STUCK spinning your wheels.

And of course, it’s all fun and games until you hit perimenopause and your pants are tight. Hormonal changes are happening what feels like overnight and looking toned feels almost impossible.

Forget doing MORE cardio, because no matter how many hours you sweat, NOTHING changes.

There is legit nothing more frustrating than working out so hard and NOT looking like it.

Clearly what worked before works NO MORE!

That’s why I AM PUMPED to be opening up this 8-week strength training challenge so you can get SHREDDED and STRATEGIC  with workouts designed for you and this hormonal stage of life. Whether you’re in perimenopause or menopause, this challenge WILL change your body.

We’ll even give you nutritional guidelines to follow so you can get MenoSHREDDED faster!

And what better time to GET TONED and LEAN then after the summer! Travel, late nights, social outting…it’s time to get back to basic and focus on YOU.

How it works:

This 8-week challenge is just that, it’s A CHALLENGE.

It won’t be easy but it will be worth it.

Once you join you’ll receive FULL access to the FFWE Training App and private Facebook Group so not only will you build muscle in a way that works for your hormones BUT you’ll also have accountability and support within this amazing community.

BONUS: You’ll have access to the FFWE LIVE Community Calls so you can learn alongside our amazing community of 100+ women who are transforming their bodies and mindsets.

Yes, it’s a challenge so yes there will be PRIZES including  $300 CASH! 

My team and I will pick the TOP 3 women who made the biggest transformation. We’ll be looking at your overall physique as well as body composition changes.

We Start Monday, September 16, 2024. Sign up now, you’re not going to want to miss this challenge!


  • A Either! MenoSHRED will have both an at-home version (dumbbells, stability ball + bands) and a gym version. You get to choose based on your schedule and availability!

  • Each workout is designed to be around 30-40min in length but you can make them shorter if needed if you’re in a crunch for time.

  • The expectation is to do 5 days/ of workouts. This is a SHRED program so you are expected to work hard to see the results you want!

  • While the focus is on BUILDING MUSCLE, you have the option to adjust your macros to either maintenance or a deficit if you want to lose weight.

  • YES! MenoSHRED runs through the FFWE App so you’ll have FULL access to your workouts wherever you go! No excuses!

  • MenoSHRED runs September 16th through November 10th, 2024. You will lose access to the FFWE App and the program on November 15th, 2024

  • There will be options to continue AFTER the program ends- we will not leave you hanging!

  • There is NO 1:1 coaching or support in MenoSHRED. You’ll receive nutrition guidelines and a FULL PDF on setting your macros. You’ll also have access to the MenoSHRED private Facebook to post and ask questions for our team or other community members to answer.

  • If you want to build muscle, then YES! If your primary focus is weight loss, then we suggest learning more about our 90Day 4Function Hormonal Renewal.

Hey I’m Elise!

Owner & CEO of FuncitonallyFitwithElise

I started this business in the online space in 2020 after working with clients for over 20 years both in and out of the gym. I saw a deep need for a more holistic approach to weight loss and body composition after listening to my clients complain about a lack of knowledge and support in perimenopause and menopause.

Back in 2015, I ramped up my knowledge in nutrition and biochemistry when my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and I had to quickly master blood sugars, insulin, and how the body metabolized food (and stress). It felt very natural for me to use what I learned to help women truly thrive from the inside out with as much simplicity as possible. Because life is always “lifey” especially over the age of 40!

I have 3 kids, a dog, a hubby and a full-time business keeping me on my toes so trust me when I say, it IS possible to change your body after 40 with a BUSY lifestyle!

I’m a Certified  Functional Nutrition & Metabolism Specialist, Certified Macro & Mindset Coach, Certified Female Metabolism Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor. I’m also an @moderation365 (food behavior) Nutritionist with a university degree in Kinesiology & Health Sciences.

In my "free" time I enjoy reading although most books lately focus on insulin, estrogen, and cortisol (who doesn't love a good read!) and I once (and only once!) I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane :)

We Start Monday, September 16, 2024. sign up now, you’re not going to want to miss this challenge!